
Posters for the planet

posters for the planet

Posters for the planet

Posters for the Planet is a design competition and is the core of a larger media campaign about the climate. While 80 percent of people in the Netherlands are concerned about rising temperatures and decreasing biodiversity, they find it difficult to translate this concern into meaningful contributions to a better environment. Posters for the Planet aims to bridge the gap between good intentions and real change.

In my submission I wanted to highlight the issue of excessive production and consumption with a playful nod. I want to emphasize that only by making conscious choices together – citizens, companies, but most importantly: the government – we can combat global warming and protect our planet for the future.

posters for the planet
posters for the planet
posters for the planet

Photoshoot | Grapedistrict

Grapedistrict shoot

A fun shoot for Grapedistrict to get you thirsty for their unique wines from small-scale winemakers. Even more fun when you get use your own pictures when designing a brochure or video for social media.

Winelabel | Les Deux

Les Deux

This project really put my creativity to the test! I can tell you: designing 5 different wine labels for the same brand was challenging. Nevertheless, I really loved working on this. ‘Les Deux’ celebrates all those magical couples that seem to be made for each other. Therefore I designed a magical couple for each wine label.

Visual identity | By Spek


Visual identity

Professional, reliable and fun to work with. That’s how you could describe BySpek, a webdeveloper that makes you feel comfortable while delivering high quality work.

Funfact: at the start of my designing career I created a logo for BySpek and I can definitely say say I’m doing things very different now. But hey, you have to start somewhere! Anyways: it was time for an upgrade.



Tasting guide | Taste Club

Taste Club tasting guide

As a wine subscription, Taste Club surprises their members each month with a box full of unique wines including a brochure with all the wine information. Next to the brochure I designed every month I also made a tasting guide. This guide provides their members with all the information you need to become an expert in tasting wine. A very cool project where I got to design all the different steps when tasting wine.

Campagnes | Grapedistrict

Grapedistrict campaigns

To keep Grapedistricts customers inspired and of course keeping them tempted to buy their wines, I created multiple campaigns for their 15 stores, website, newsletters and social media. Each campaign lasts approximately 4 weeks and highlights about 6 wines that fit perfectly in that campaign. To do so, I come up with a concept and discuss it with the team. After that it’s time to put in all my creativity and bring the concept alive with all the visually aspects. Think of posters for the stores and assets for the website and newsletters.