Tessa van Beelen

Visual identity | Josh & Robs


Visual identity

Josh & Robs are two friends who tell stories through music in all genres. They are here to motivate people, make them laugh and throw a party where everyone can join in. They asked me to help them with their social media strategy. I helped them figure out their style and created a visual identity including multiple social media formats to make posting on Instagram easier and more fun!


Visual identity | Bla Bla Olé


Visual identity

BlaBla Olé is a Spanish language school in Sevilla where you feel welcome from the first moment you arrive there. I got to experience it myself and felt so comfortable during Maria’s fun and professional classes. While growing fast I got to help her by creating a visual identity that matched her already existing logo. A challenging but fun project!


Menu | Bar Vijzel

Bar Vijzel

Always fun working with different brands and use my creativity to perfectly match my design with their brand. This time a wine menu for Bar Vijzel including an illustration of a popping cava bottle.